Certificate in Wargaming

Starts:  May 12, 2025 10:00 (ET)
Ends:  May 16, 2025 18:00 (ET)
Associated with  MORS Community

The MORS Certificate in Wargaming is a five-day course designed to enhance analyst capability and knowledge in multiple aspects of professional games, including research, design, development, execution, analysis, and reporting. Through a combination of lectures and exercises, participants will learn the theory behind wargames before diving into research design and execution. Building on Peter Perla’s theory of the “Architect, Artist, and Analyst” model for game designers, the course includes material that covers each style of wargame design. The course culminates in a practicum where participants will be divided into teams to develop and execute their own game for an assigned analytical problem.

MORS has partnered with Virginia Tech to offer this certificate. Participants will receive a number Continuing Education Units (CEUs) upon completion, in accordance with the number of contact hours determined by Virginia Tech.


Our expert instructors will guide participants through the key aspects of wargaming and aid them in creating their own game on the final day of the course. Along the way, participants will learn about the following:

  • Defining a wargame
  • A brief history of wargames
  • Building blocks of game design
  • Adjudication
  • Strategic gaming
  • Wargame graphics
  • Game analysis
Event Image


Tina Yan