National Security Risk Analysis Community Meeting

When:  Jul 27, 2023 from 12:00 to 13:00 (ET)
Associated with  MORS Community

Join the National Security Risk Analysis Community on 27 July at 1200 ET! Our speaker will be Dr. Jim Thomason, Director, of Strategy and Risk at the Institute for Defense Analysis and his teammates Ms. Julie Kelly and Ms. Ellie Schwartz. They will present their recent developments in their ongoing research program focused on risks associated with critical National Security-related U.S. supply chains and the prioritization of remedial resource allocations.

Changes in the global landscape (e.g., COVID-19, conflict in Ukraine) have exacerbated previously existing challenges and risks related to the procurement and inventory management of essential items. This lunchtime presentation will describe IDA’s Defense Industrial Base Optimization Model (DIBOpt), which has been used by the USG to prepare budget and procurement plans for medical countermeasures, and by DoD to examine the effects of precision-guided missile supply chain constraints on efforts (and timelines) to improve military readiness. DIBOpt allows military planners to consider a variety of factors, including industrial base capacity, subtier bottlenecks, price increases, sole-source manufacturers, product modernization, changes in required quantities, constrained budgets, and a variety of additional factors. The complexity and evolving nature of managing these inventories (both medical and munitions) calls for a modeling solution to efficiently collect relevant input data and generate quick-turn analyses. DIBOpt also allows decision makers to explore the supply chains that support key items to determine where bottlenecks exist, the effect of those chokepoints on the ability to build inventories, and the mitigation strategies necessary to reduce risk associated with inventory deficits.

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Elizabeth Marriott
(703) 933-9073